PyCon DE Day Two
,I was a little bit late and had to skip the first session. My first talk was conda-forge: supporting the growth of the volunteer-driven, community-based packaging project. The next one was Unclear Code Hurts by Dario Cannone. Watching bad code from a distance can be a lot of fun. A former collegue described it as watching a car crash show. Just make sure to keep a safe distance and don't end up being responsible for cleaning up the mess.
Then I watched 5 Things we've learned building large APIs with FastAPI by Maarten Huijsmans. The room was packed and it's obvious that fastAPI is a hot topic right now. But it's also still really new and people don't have a lot of experience using it. There was a channel established on the conference discord where people gathered that have a shared interest in fastAPI and we met at a table in person a little bit later. This was a lot of fun and I learned some cool things there. For example how people are dealing with the problem that you cannot get a return value back from global dependencies (just attach it to the request in your dependency).
Another talk I attended was What are data unit tests and why we need them by Theodore Meynard which was really interesting for me, because I didn't know libraries like Great Expectations even existed. Efficient data labelling with weak supervision by Maria Mestre was another talk I listened to. And since all things Django sound interesting to me, I also watched Make the most of Django by Paolo Melchiorre which wasn't about Django itself, but how the Django community is a great place to get started with open source etc. - I have to read the abstracts more careful, I guess. The last talk for the second day was 5 Years, 10 Sprints, A scikit-learn Open Source Journey by
Reshama Shaikh. And then the lightning talks which were also great.
After the conference we picked up some lunch in a small group of people and moved to the c-base because there supposedly was a nix meetup going on, which we didn't find.