Weeknotes 2021-07-12
,Tried to get video content to work with django-cast. Stumbled upon wagtailmedia which enables audio and video content for wagtail, but wasn't able to use it directly - tried to steal some ideas though. Only recorded 4 streams this week. Got feedback that it's working better without greenscreen, therefore I'll leave it out for now.
Interesting Content
- Started reading a new book: The Manager's Path via Simon Willison
- Learned via Twitter about this great tutorial: TUTORIAL / Bernát Gabor / Python Packaging Demystified
- Cool Blogpost: Probably Are Gonna Need It: Application Security Edition
- Rewatched the video Hannah Arendt im Gespräch mit Günter Gaus ("Zur Person", 1964) after being referred by this podcast episode Hannah Arendt ... oder: Nicht handeln ist auch keine Lösung
- Cool podcast episode about htmx: htmx - Carson Gross - makes me wonder if there's some use for a "how to be a good podcast guest" audio tutorial :), but really great content
- Podcast episode: Folge 66 - Prof. Christiane Floyd zu “menschenzentrierter Software-Entwicklung”