Weeknotes 2021-08-23
,Got all tests working again in the django-cast develop branch. Recorded 5 streams fixing tests this week. Solved the how to keep streamfield and database structure in sync problem (basically) + tests. Learned how to use --reuse-db, --no-migrations with sqlite test databases (it's in memory by default..). Didn't do any video / audio experiments this week, too. This has to change..
Changed the heading of the collected links for this week from "Interesting Content" to "Things I Looked at Last Week", because I often find this stuff not interesting at all. But since I only know it afterwards.. well.
Things I Looked at Last Week
- Cool youtube videos from Johannes: Interactive Programming with Python: Reloading code while it's running (part 1) | Controlling a spaceship with your code: a simple PID controller from the ground up in python (part 2)
- Recipe - didn't work that well (you'll have to modify it): Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen
- Podcast episode: Yann LeCun on his Start in Research and Self-Supervised Learning
- Podcast episodes - mainly listened to them because of apples new child safety features : 443: A Storm of Asterisks | 444: It Should Definitely Bother Apple
- Podcast episode: Episode 22: White Working Class
- Podcast episode: Margherita von Brentano im Interview (1975) „Philosophie war immer politisch“
- Podcast episode: Funktionale Programmierung: Beating the Average?
- Youtube guitar video: Guthrie Govan- Waves (Solo, Beautiful Loop)
- Podcast episode: Revision 490: Alpine JS & Petit Vue mit Jon Uhlmann
- Podcast episode: Episode 23: Superheroes
- Youtube video about bayes theorem (need to do a screencast about my naive bayes comment spam filtering feature): Bayes theorem, the geometry of changing beliefs
- Funny twitter conversation: This exchange lives rent free in my head and I don’t mind