Weeknotes 2021-09-20
,Things I Looked at Last Week
- Podcast episode: #219 – Donald Knuth: Programming, Algorithms, Hard Problems & the Game of Life
- Podcast episode: Episode 25: Guns
- Podcast episode: I always wonder if other people can relate to the experience when you hear people talking about a topic you know something about and it sounds like complete and utter hogwash to you. Here's an example which hit me pretty bad: Künstliche Intelligenz - Unsicherheit als Reiz der Computerkunst
- Software: Httpx heading towards 1.0 release
- Podcast episode: Yanka & Egor Letov: Sibirischer Underground (Mit Alex Pehlemann)
- Blogpost: What is Python's Ellipsis Object?
- Podcast episode: Wie finden wir Hoffnung?
- Podcast episode: Jeremy Howard on Kaggle, Enlitic, and fast.ai
- Blogpost: Introducing django-upgrade, a tool for upgrading your Django projects
- Podcast episode: Episode 15 - User Session Data
- Podcast episode: Revision 494: Serverless
- Podcast episode: Episode #250: skorch your scikit-learn together with PyTorch
- Podcast episode: Über Identitäten und das richtige Sprechen
- Documentation: Descriptor HowTo Guide
- Funny picture found on Twitter: How to tell when you're a real professional