Weeknotes 2022-03-07
,*Doomscrolling intensivies*
But there has been some progress on the removal of sqlmodel from fastdeploy task (this issue keeps getting bigger, and it was a slow work week) as well:
- While I'm introducing an own unit of work pattern and rewriting lots of the database stuff anyway, I thought: Well, maybe switching to asyncpg and having the whole database layer async would be not a lot more additional work. This is now done.
- Rewrote the auth module, because I wanted to get rid of all fastAPI dependencies. The code now looks much nicer, too.
- Syncing service configurations from filesystem is now also possible again (I have to admit writing things like an AbstractFilesystem class bring me quickly to the point of reconsidering my lifestyle choices).
Things I Learned
- You can use PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) in a Procfile to start jupyter lab/notebooks that keep the project root in pythonpath
- You can use session.expunge(object) to be able to use mapped python objects after a sqlalchemy session is closed (yeah, I'm just beginning to use sqlalchemy)
- My Voice Over Chain | I often get mocked for being nerdy about audio quality. Well, maybe go and mock this guy instead (or learn something from him and improve your recordings).
- Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web? | Transitional Apps with Rich Harris, NYTimes | Great video. Until a few months ago I would have completely agreed. But seeing what is possible with libraries like htmx I'm currently feeling more like: "Holy shit, SPAs are dead!". And I don't trust this whole notion of "Just use this sparkling framework X and your code will automatically deployed on an edge CDN node in a V8 vm and everything will be like magic". I like things to be simple, not complicated and magic. The reason for that is: I know that my own interest in keeping my stuff running is much greater than the interest of some bored bigcorp ops staff. Even kubernetes is far too complicated from my point of view. If something goes wrong, I want to be able to fix it. But maybe kubernetes or netlify or fly makes things possible that I need and could not do by myself? My opinion on that is: hell no.
- Putin, die Ukraine und danach? | Mit offenen Karten Spezial Ukraine | ARTE | Good signal-to-noise ratio
- Javascript and Swift apparently disagree about when January 1, 1 AD was. (Both numbers in milliseconds-since-1970) | Ha, haha, hahahaha.. omg, wtf
- You'll get a JupyterLab+SciPy environment running in your browser! | Wow
- The paradoxical dynamics of nuclear deterrence | Maybe this is the right time to rewatch Dr. Strangelove again :)
- pgcli | Postgres command line client with syntax highlighting
- Sphinx, MyST, and Python Docs in 2022 (Talk Python To Me) | Really great episode, didn't know it was possible to use markdown with Sphinx and all its super referencing/linking capabilities
- "Wenn sich die Fakten ändern, ändere ich meine Meinung" (Schroeder & Somuncu) | Thought it might increase the doomscrolling experience if the content is provided by comedians - well, this was a dry hole
- (111) It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over (Coronavirus-Update)
- Bits und so #779 (Cringeymouse¹⁰) (Bits und so)
- Episode #46 Taylor Otwell // Creator & CEO of Laravel (Alphalist CTO Podcast) | Taylor is not as enthusiastic as I would have expected about livewire and mentioned inertiajs which I didn't know about.. but he said that starting a podcast hosting SaaS might be fine, so whohoo :)
- WR1338 Ökonomische Folgen der Russland-Sanktionen (Wrint Wirtschaftskunde)
- Zwischen Macht und Ohnmacht (Tag 7) (Streitkräfte und Strategien) | Followed a recommendation from corona update podcast, but this is far from being as good. The expert guest knowing things we dont is clearly missing. And listening to journalists chatting is just boring.
- Folge 111 - Wir bauen eine Sofware-Architektur (Software Architektur im Stream) | This episode shows why it's hard to build software in domains you don't know anything about.