Weeknotes 2022-06-06
,The conveniently located bakery across the street closed their doors forever: no bread for you! Leveled up my outdoor game: spent time outside despite it was raining. Recorded a podcast episode about databases. Apple notes keeps autocorrecting weeklog to "Wehklag" - it isn't that bad, is it?
- Johannes Weeklog
- Double-entry Bookkeeping for Programmers | via Manuel
- überflussland | Should reed more blog posts again, lots of fun and wonderful stuff there
- It’s embarrassing how many WiFi problems in macOS can be fixed with this | sad but true
- Best transformers movie review ever
- You may not like it but this is how all men are supposed to look like
- This tweet has haunted my every waking moment for years
- Talk - Anthony Shaw: Write faster Python! Common performance anti patterns
- Are There Many Worlds? David Deutsch in conversation with Markus Arndt
- PGConf.Russia 2019 Miroslav Šedivý «Asynchronous Python and PostgreSQL Using asyncpg»
- How to Wrap a Cable Over Under
- ACATIS Value Konferenz 2022 - Was ist eigentlich eine Kryptowährung? - Felix von Leitner - Code Blau | Fun talk. Not deep into technical details, but still correct, which is a rare combination.
- PyScript - Programming for Everyone: 2022 PyCon Keynote
- Python + pyscript + WebAssembly: Python Web Apps, Running Locally with pyscript
- Pathy: a Path interface for local and cloud bucket storage | pathlib like interface for object stores
- Optimizing PostgreSQL DB Queries with pgMustard (Talk Python To Me)
- Django 4.1 Preview - Jeff Triplett (Django Chat) | Good episode / Django News has about 2.5k subscribers / Django 4.1 gets an async orm api / Changes in Django 4.1 forms start to make things like crispy-forms obsolete 🤩
- Beglückend? - das Reisen (Das philosophische Radio) | Really good episode
- Episode #285: Where we talk about UIs and Python (Python Bytes)
- Episode #284: Spicy git for Engineers (Python Bytes)
- Episode #282: Don't Embarrass Me in Front of The Wizards (Python Bytes)
- Geoffrey Hinton (The Robot Brains) | Great episode
- PP05 - Datenbanken (Python Podcast) | Preparation for the new episode
- What's so exciting about Postgres? (The Changelog) | Preparation for the new episode
- Scaling Postgres Episode 214 Backup Compression, Postgres IO, Parquet Files, pg_stat_monitor (Scaling PostgreSQL) | Preparation for the new episode
- Scaling Postgres Episode 216 PG 15 Beta 1 Release, Query Breakdown, Sort Performance, Prepared vs. Partitioned (Scaling PostgreSQL) | Preparation for the new episode