Weeknotes 2022-07-04
,Progress on having a landing page where people can create podcasts:
- Made cast_registry use postgres instead of sqlite, mainly because it's easier to integrate into existing backup / monitoring.
- Automated deployment / removal for cast_registry
- Created a service for fastdeploy to be able to deploy / remove single cast hosting instances (a podcast or blog)
- Being able to deploy a podcast / blog via a cast_registry instance running on my staging environment 🥳
- Der Juni 2022 im Chaosdorf | Kind of a monthlog of my local hackerspace
- Fossil Versus Git
- PHP The Right Way | Since I have to take a look at php anyway (deploying wordpress) it would be helpful to do it the right way, for sure 🤓
- This is really smart, especially the second part which borders on genius. | Asking this question would have saved me from serious pain
- Python makes it easy to take a flat list of key/value data and turn them into a real dictionary / Personally prefer to make an iterator and zip over it twice, no need to have multiple lists
- It's summer and I want an icecream!
- List slices in #Python can have a step: a third number to include every Nth element. You can assign to these also. Let's find primes with them! 😎
- This is a mathematics joke
- A comic making fun of python using 'if __name__ == "main"'
- PyWebIO | Hmm, is this an alternative to plotly dash?
- Peter Sloterdijk zum 75. Geburtstag „Es braucht eine neue Ethik für das Zusammenleben mit der Erde“ (Sein und Streit)
- Kunsthistoriker Matthias Müller - Frühe Neuzeit wie heute: Pracht und Luxus sozialer Aufsteiger (Hörsaal)
- attrs and dataclasses - Hynek Schlawack (Test & Code in Python)
- Joscha Bach on AI, Cosmology, Existence and the Bible (Singularity Podcast)
- WR1372 Pfützen für die Wissenschaft (WRINT: Wissenschaft)
- Read The Docs - Eric Holscher (Django Chat)
- Ansible: config management & deploying code with James Cammarata from Red Hat (The Syscast podcast)
- Episode #290: Sentient AI? If so, then what? (Python Bytes) | I like that someone else is reading all the python news and I just have to listen to a podcast to stay up to date. I also like the topics and even the hosts. But sometimes the content quality of this podcast is kind of bad (almost as bad as journalistic publications). This AI story is complete bullshit and it took me about 5 minutes of using google to find out.
- Revision 532: Infrastructure as Code (Working Draft)