Weeknotes 2022-10-03
,Got not much done besides work. Attended a in person meeting of the local Python user group.
- 7 things I've learned building a modern TUI framework
- Johannes Weeklog
- I can't even | Charles Stross about the recent "Bank of England had to step in and save the day" fuckup.
- Software Development Attitude | Yep, enabling it is..
- 11 Laws of Software Estimation for Complex Work
- Restriktive Geldpolitik = (Massen)Arbeitslosigkeit? So lautet die Klage, ja Anschuldigung vieler Linken. Ein etwas längerer Thread dazu.
- The hard truth is that 100% of people who confuse correlation with causation will die.
- Microservices grug wonder why big brain take hardest problem factoring system correctly, and introduce network call too seem very confusing to grug
- The programmer's credo (JFK voice): we do this, and the other things, not because they are easy... but because we _thought_ they were _going to be_ easy. | via What's your favourite software engineering quote? 👇
- Humans. Yeast. Eating sugar, farting gas, dying from too much alcohol. Pretty much the same, tbh.
- DevOps engineer explaining why we need to use Kubernetes
- “The role of management is to change the system rather than badgering individuals to do better.” W. Edwards Deming
- im gonna say it: i don't care which numbers are prime
- Stable Diffusion is now available directly in KerasCV!
- Welcome to django-startproject 👋 | Django project template by Jeff Triplett - pros: pip-tools cons: docker?
- Model Bakery: Smart fixtures for better tests | For Django
- Django Click | click command line library for Django management commands.. I use typer and a separate script for that, but maybe this is an alternative..
- WR1407 Kommissar Bayer jagt den Heterogenen Agenten (Wirtschaftskunde) | Great to learn about economic basics casually
- Bits und so #811 (Präzisionsstart) (Bits und so)
- Episode 69: Fear (Hotel Bar Sessions)
- UKW103 Ukraine: Atomkrieg nicht vor Weihnachten (Unsere kleine Welt) | Not good, but I cannot find good content on this topic :(
- DjangoCon Europe 2022 - Kojo Idrissa (Django Chat) | Really important to recognize.non-code contributions, but how? Sales is important, but: „For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled. Richard Feynman, Rogers Commission Report“
- Von Verstecken, Katzentischen, Ferien und Büchern (Was denkst du denn?)
- #316 – Noam Chomsky: Putin, Ukraine, China, and Nuclear War (Lex Fridman Podcast) | Noam Chomsky is one of the people you should listen to, even if he's wrong.
- #68 The End of Ivory Tower Architecture with Andrew Harmel-Law (Happy Path Programming) | Didn't know about the advice process, sounds interesting. Nice episode.
- #318 – Nick Lane: Origin of Life, Evolution, Aliens, Biology, and Consciousness Audio Player (Lex Fridman Podcast) | This whole biology thing is fascinating!