Weeknotes 2023-01-30
,Your honor my client is no longer in their villain era --@ItsMattsLaw
At work, I had to find out that Python enums are slow when used as keys in a dict. I would never have guessed that some_enum.__hash__()
is the main occupation of the software I wrote. Unfortunately, I won't attend PyConDE this year because I forgot I already bought tickets for btconf which happens on the same date 😭. And I am still not sure whether I should attend DjangoConEU 2023 or EuroPython 2023 - maybe someone is interested in trying to convince me? Also recorded a new podcast episode about PyPy which was a lot of fun. No issues with django-cast this time, all went well. Didn't even have to touch the Django admin. Closed all the issues I opened up last time.
There were also some improvements to django-cast:
- Started to add type annotations
- Renamed test files to make searching for tests easier
- Cached file sizes for audio models
- Added a new player card feature for Twitter thanks to a hint by @derphilipp
- Added pypy39 to the envlist of tox and it worked after some fiddling with cryptography
- The End of Writing
- Researchers look a dinosaur in its remarkably preserved face
- Yaml, JSON, Toml | My bets are on toml and yes, yaml is the worst
- How to tell when you're a real professional | Hits a little bit too close
- Marie Kondo Says She's 'Kind of Given up' on Tidying up | Fighting entropy often turns out to be more difficult than expected
- Looking Back at Postgres | Chapter of Stonebraker's Turing Award book about postgres by Joseph M. Hellerstein
- Posy - a new project oriented Python workflow manager (replacement for pyenv, deadsnakes, tox, venv, pip, pip-compile/pipenv, and PEP 582)
- Mage - 🧙 A modern replacement for Airflow
- Raycast is a blazingly fast, totally extendable launcher (for macOS)
- SQLAlchemy 2.0.0, the first production release of SQLAlchemy 2.0, is now available
- LangChain ⚡ Building applications with LLMs through composability ⚡
- There's a new 2.0.a1 release for django-crispy-forms
- Resource Override | Really cool chrome extension lets you override css/javascript on any site (debugging, fiddling around)
- Some CCC-related events for 2023
- PyCon DE & PyData Berlin 2023 17. April - 19. April 2023
- #btconf Düsseldorf, Germany 17 - 18 Apr 2023
- DjangoConEU is coming to Edinburgh 29th May to Friday 2nd June 2023
- EuroPython 2023 From 17 July through 23 July, 2023
- Is Domain Driven Design Overrated? | Stefan Tilkov | The insight that for different circumstances different approaches might be useful is really valuable. I use the relational approach most of the time but am also ready to admit it's not the best one always.
- @mkennedy @brianokken went and listened to the joke video linked from the most recent episode of @pythonbytes and thoroughly enjoyed it.
- #318: GIL, How We Will Miss You (Python Bytes)
- #319: CSS-Style Queries for... JSON? (Python Bytes)
- #827 (Sorgfalt im Verkehr) (Bits und so)
- #826 (Liebhaberei) (Bits und so)
- Foxley Talent - Jon Gould (Django Chat) | Good episode
- Ukraine: Banks vs. Tanks (Unsere kleine Welt) | Meh
- Revision 553: State of JS2, Framework Boogaloo (Working Draft) | Learned about resource override here...
- 2023 – Bastian Allgeier (neu•gierig) | Tempted to steal the design 😅