Weeknotes 2023-05-22
,"sorry about that, i wasn’t making a strange face because of what you said on the team sync meeting, but because i’ve been watching my own camera the whole time, and at all times i am nothing but a horse discovering his own reflection" --henry ✷

Less busy week, good. Created a first release for cast-vue, a Vue.js theme for django-cast. It's a weird mix of pre-rendered html via Django and classic http API based SPA. I like it 😆. To support cast-vue, some changes had to be made to django-cast, so there's a new release for it too. The only major feature that is missing from cast-vue in comparison to the bootstrap ones is comments.
- Even Amazon can't make sense of serverless or microservices | The prices of all this cloud stuff are absolute crazy compared to rolling your own hardware, I still don't get why this is so popular
- Real Multithreading is Coming to Python - Learn How You Can Use It Now | Using subinterpreters
- How China’s hottest social media app turned Düsseldorf into a foodie destination | Düsseldorf? Time to re-explore my hood..
- The Sauce That Survived Italy’s War on Pasta
- llm, ttok and strip-tags—CLI tools for working with ChatGPT and other LLMs | Need to try to use more of them more regularily
- vWriting a chat application in Django 4.2 using async StreamingHttpResponse, Server-Sent Events and PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY
- Below are the major highlights in JupyterLab 4.0.0 | JupyterLab 4.0 Release!
- Weights & Biases - The developer-first MLOps platform | Somehow I didn't notice it until now
- Tandoor Recipes | Recipe management using Django!
- (117) Long Covid: Das Rätsel nach der Pandemie (Das Coronavirus-Update) | Interesting: If you watch a group of people the risk to catch long covid increases with every new infection while the absolute count of long covid cases goes down. Why? Because it's correlation instead of causation: The people you detect as reinfected have a higher risk of catching long covid (because you only detect symptomatic cases).
- Geoff Hinton Returns (The Robot Brains Podcast) | Ok, this gets me a little bit worried, too.
- Was ist kritisch an der Kritischen Theorie? (Sein und Streit)
- 100 Jahre Frankfurter Schule - Ist unsere Lebensweise unvernünftig? (Sein und Streit)
- Yejin Choi - Teaching ai common sense and morality (The Robot Brains Podcast) | Good episode!
- UKW110 Ukraine: Balance des Schreckens (unsere kleine welt)