Weeknotes 2023-10-02
,twitch streamer with 7 viewers: hey guys!! i bought this expensive microphone so you can hear me play minecraft in dolby atmos surround sound
long-distance train manager (speaking into a potato): please listen to the following announcements to find out how you’re going to get home --Ninji
Normal work week. Attended a meeting of the local Python user group, which was great. Finally managed to record a new Python podcast episode with Anna-Lena Popkes and Dominik which will be released soon. Spent a couple of days in Braunschweig.
- It's tubes, okay? | Need to find more use cases for PyScript
- Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - Polyfills gone rogue | Oh wow.
- Taming Tailwind | I'm slowly getting used to tailwind, still think it's weird (but I also don't like CSS)
- Grouping digits in SQL | Cool!
- Idiomatic Rust - Using Enums to Represent State | Nice, enums in Python are kind of weird and slow
- Week in Review 2023-09-25 | Luis (glad to see you write again)
- Weeklog for Week 38: September 18 to September 24 | Johannes
Mastodon / Twitter
- Feeling seen | webcomic
- Humpty Dumpty had a great fall | webcomic
- chap - A Python interface to chatgpt, including a terminal user interface (tui)
- Pydantic release 2.4.0
- SVCS - A Flexible Service Locator for Python
- Kedro is a toolbox for production-ready data science
- Evidence is an open source, code-based alternative to drag-and-drop business intelligence tools
- django-tailwind-cli - This library provides an integration of Tailwind CSS for Django that is using on the precompiled versions of the Tailwind CSS CLI
- Ist die KI Akteurin oder Werkzeug? (Hörsaal) | Better than expeted
- Manuela Lenzen: Künstliche Intelligenz (Das philosophische Radio) | Also good
- Revision 585: Neues in HTML und Co, Teil 1 von 3 (Working Draft)
- Revision 586: Neues in HTML und Co, Teil 2 von 3 (Working Draft)