Weeknotes 2023-12-25

, Jochen
why concern yourself with "developer experience" when you ought to be concerned with "the human experience"? what is autocompletion in the face of the exquisite, spectral agony of realizing you’re falling out of love? what is a “build time” under the glare of impending, relentless mortality?
one day, you will die, and your legacy will be washed away when someone forgets to renew the DNS. --stillness.digital

Short work week, Christmas is culminating. The new image gallery component for django-cast is working now and it's properly integrated via django-vite and even has a unit test. I also added a layout parameter to the gallery block to be able to choose different layouts for a gallery. But the first use case for this parameter will be an "htmx" layout to experiment with just replicating the gallery functionality using only htmx. I already have an idea on how to implement this and it will probably be ready by next week





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