Weeknotes 2024-04-01
,As a rule, software systems do not work well until they have been used, and have failed repeatedly, in real applications. — Dave Parnas
Last week working on SSO using django-saml2-auth. Didn't get much done besides work because the kids were sick and we were traveling a lot. Fixed a small bug in the post preview for django-cast. After I heard the latest core.py episode where Łukasz Langa asked if maybe someone could try to update python.org to a newer version of Django, I thought, ok, maybe I'll give it a try. But Jacob already submitted a PR 🚀, so I did a review instead. I also spent some time outside, the cherry trees over here are in bloom 🌸.
- My binary vector search is better than your FP32 vectors | This is a bit like using a conventional inverted index..
- Fixing a Bug in PyPy's Incremental GC | Cool article 😎
- Talker’s block | Now you know what I'm doing here 😇
- TDD: You're Probably Doing It Just Fine | Yep, no reason to get dogmatic about this
- Every dunder method in Python | nice
- The Django admin is a CMS | Yes and no
- What You Need to Know about Modern CSS (Spring 2024 Edition) | Nice overview!
- xz | Oh dear
- Speaking with the Creator of Pandas on the Future of Open Source (Wes McKinney) - KNN Ep. 184 | good interview
- Simon Riggs, Gründer von 2nd Quadrant und PostgreSQL maintainer, starb in einem Flugzeugunglück
- So satisfying... | we tend to assume everything is linear and normally distributed - and sometimes, it is!
- what's your favourite way to simplify your life with git? mostly interested in slightly unusual tricks to reduce the number of git features you're using, like:
- Weeklog for Week 12: March 18 to March 24 | Johannes