Weeknotes 2024-04-08
,Architecture is a property of a system, not a description of its intended design --Stefan Tilkov
Had a week off, yay! Spent most of the time visiting museums, swimming pools and playgrounds. For open source, I'm still working on a performance-oriented refactoring of django-cast. This is much harder than expected. It's basically about being able to generate the html for all the performance critical pages like blog index, feed and post detail from a cachable data representation (serializable Python dict for example).
- Web
- Complexity bad: An interview with HTMX creator Carson Gross | Lots of helpful links here
- My Accessibility Review Checklist | Very nice!
- Python
- Syntax Error #11: Debugging Python | Nice debugging tool overview
- Python Project-Local Virtualenv Management Redux | I'm still on virtualfish, but this looks also nice - have to try it, I guess 🧪
- How I Provision My MacBook with Ansible | I only use ansible for servers, but this sounds nice, too
- ASGI deployment options for Django
- Syncing Django Waffle feature flags
- CSS variables | Didn't know about them - cool
- How we’re approaching theming with modern CSS | CSS variables applied
- How to Kill the Cascade | Cool, didn't know it was possible
- Hide or Disable
- Long
- Your AI Product Needs Evals | That's what most companies doing ML get wrong, right. I'd like to add a few paragraphs, though..
- AI Mathematical Olympiad - Progress Prize 1 | Really interesting competition
- Kennt ihr gute deutschsprachige Channels für 9+ Jährige Kinder? | Thread
- Weeklog for Week 13: March 25 to March 31 | Johannes
- Form Designer - a simple form designer for Django
- CodePen Home Flight slider - HTML+CSS | Hrhr
- mise-en-place - The front-end to your dev env | replaces pyenv for Python and installs also Node and go etc..
- Vanilla Web: Niedrige Kopplung & hohe Kohäsion mit Golo Roden von the native web | I think it's telling when "let's do everything in JavaScript" guys like Golo get defensive when talking about htmx. Could it be that the next step is already winning? I just got used to being ignored and expected to be laughed at first. But okay, whatever.
- Django ORM - Simon Charette (Django Chat) | Good episode