Weeknotes 2024-07-08

, Jochen
ZIZEK: that AI will be the death of learning & so on; to this, I say NO! My student brings me their essay, which has been written by AI, & I plug it into my grading AI, & we are free! While the 'learning' happens, our superego satisfied, we are free now to learn whatever we want --Zack Brown

Workwise, last week was quite busy. However, I managed to attend a meeting of PyDDF, our local Python user group, which was great. I also recorded and published a podcast episode about the DjangoCon Europe 2024 conference. Then I had to roll out a security update for Mastodon, which usually requires minimal maintenance, and updated Takahē along with it. There was also a new release of django-cast, which includes some bug fixes and a new feature: subtitles for blogs.

Here's a tip I discovered while trying to import pictures from my new camera: If you use Apple Photos to manage your pictures and it doesn't read RAW files from newer cameras, you can use the free Adobe DNG Converter to convert RAW files to DNG and then import them into Apple Photos. Unfortunately, it's not possible to preserve changes made in Nikon NX Studio, which has the best RAW support for Nikon cameras, when converting the RAW files to DNG.




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