Weeknotes 2024-09-23
,This week, I released a new version of kptncook that includes a fix for Windows by setting the default encoding to UTF-8. I also attended a meeting of the Django User Group in Cologne and enjoyed a really good talk comparing Django and Laravel.
- The unreasonable effectiveness of simple HTML
- Web Components for Password Input Enhancements
- Python is two languages now, and that's actually great
- Compiling to Assembly from Scratch | now available as a print version!
- Flux, the UI Library for Livewire | Caleb Porzio at Laracon US 2024 in Dallas, TX | From a Django developer's perspective, I'm kind of jealous of this deep integration. But it's probably not that easy to get right — see this thread
- Sidekick helps you along all the steps of deployment on your VPS
- i-html is a drop in tag that allows for dynamically importing html, inline. It's a bit like an <iframe>, except the html gets adopted into the page | A web component for including html, nice!
- django-cotton - Bringing component-based design to django templates | Need to take a closer look at this one