Weeknotes 2025-02-24
,One of the advantages of the downfall of the United States will be eradicating the mm/dd/yyyy date format --Myles Eftos
Spring is finally in the air! 🌼 With the warmer weather rolling in, I found myself inspired to set up a Bedrock Minecraft server and wrote a quick blog post about the process – mostly so I wouldn't forget how to do it again later.
The nice weather also made me feel a bit guilty about my neglected kptncook project, so I pushed out a new release with some bug fixes. While I was in a productive mood, I updated django-cast too. The new version now includes transcript URLs in your podcast feed. I tested it with Castro, and it works great – there's now a neat "Transcript" button at the top of each episode that displays the transcript when tapped. I also created a new HTML view for the transcripts, though I haven't linked to it anywhere yet since it's still pretty bare-bones and needs some proper styling and layout work.
- Understanding the trade-offs of using Tailwind CSS | Well balanced article
- You are using Cursor AI incorrectly... | Wow, I didn't know about those rules..
- The hardest working font in Manhattan
- My Life in Weeks | Awesome visualisation
- A quick reminder: Martian Mono 1.1, now with coding ligatures, is out!
- Lens - Check your meta tags, icons, and rss feeds
- Let me share with you what 30+ years writing software have taught me about estimates: they're bad and wrong and you should never do them | Actually quite good!
- Why Europe Should Invest in Open Source Instead of Chasing ‘Tech Champions’ | Very good post!
- Want to Give a Great Presentation? Use Ugly Sketches | Martin J. Eppler | TED
- Understand the Next Phase of Web Development - Steve Sanderson - NDC London 2024 | Uhm, ok - nothing new for me there.. the c# community is digesting htmx and SSR, ok..
- How Trying Became Cool Again | Yep!