Weeknotes 2021-09-27
,Worked on chapter marks feature for django-cast. When the chapter marks form field is empty but one of the audio files is added or modified, django-cast now also tries to read chapter marks from audio using ffprobe. Someone asked a question about drawing an ascii cube with python and I had some fun playing around a little bit with this problem live on the stream.
Things I Looked at Last Week
- Podcast episode: Bits und so #755 (S-Jahre sind keine Herrenjahre)
- I'm in this photo and I don't like it
- Machine learning online ressources
- Podcast episode: Bits und so #756 (Ohne Vampirverbrauch) (new phones are due, so more review content this week)
- Podcast episode (Cyc is an awesome project): #221 – Douglas Lenat: Cyc and the Quest to Solve Common Sense Reasoning in AI
- Not all things get worse
- Paper: Transformer-based Optical Character Recognition with Pre-trained Models
- Interview with Werner Herzog: "Wahrheit kann niemand beschreiben"
- Another personal attack
- Hrhr: “Adding microservices to a bad software architecture makes it worse.” -- Grady Booch - source on twitter