Weeknotes 2024-06-24
,I really hate these new "Dyson Airblade" urinals --Souvlaki Space Station
Still battling this stomach bug. Managed to get some work done but didn't have much time for anything else. Filed a PR to fix last week's Wagtail issue and got the alt text for cover images working. Visited old friends near Stuttgart over the weekend for a party.
- Claude 3.5 Sonnet | Nice
- Weeklog for Week 24: June 10 to June 16 | Johannes
- Weeknotes: Datasette Studio and a whole lot of blogging | Simon Willison
- I've been bitten by yet another bug in #Celery. What are my options in a #Django world if I would potentially move away?
- person: "you should write a zine about X!" me: "unfortunately I don't really understand X!" person: "well you could learn about it, that could be cool!" | This is also a nice explanation why journalism cannot work
- a $INSTANCE$host$ user walks into a bar. the bartender says $INSTANCE$description$ | Hrhr
- This is possibly my least (most?) favorite #PythonOddity | Oh wow!