Weeknotes 2021-08-30
Things I Looked at Last Week
- Podcast episode - always a pleasure to listen to Joscha Bach: #212 – Joscha Bach: Nature of Reality, Dreams, and Consciousness
- Podcast episode: Wegweisend? - Bildungstheorie
- Software release: SQLModel Announcement
- Software: sh is a full-fledged subprocess replacement for Python 2.6 - 3.8, PyPy and PyPy3 that allows you to call any program as if it were a function
- Podcast episode - example bit: "both FDP and CDU write in their party program that employees should invest in the companies they are working for while conventional economic wisdom would advise to do the opposite": WR1268 Italien, Brutalismus, Bundestagswahl
- Podcast episode: Do you dare to press "."? Python Bytes 247 Live Stream
- Blogpost - interesting.. didn't know clubhouse was built using Django: Reining in the thundering herd ⛈ Getting to 80% CPU utilization with Django (seems other people also have notices that building an audio hosting platform in Django might be a good option :))
- Buyed a book: Publishing Python Packages
- Podcast episode: Unverschämtheit als demokratische Tugend
- Podcast episode: RES170 Hermann von Helmholtz
- Podcast episode - (das philosophische Radio using bad titles as always): Bedeutsam? - das Unglück
- Podcast episode - there were some really interesting things, I didn't know about: Ilya Sutskever explains the origins of deep learning
- Podcast episode - just to learn about the terminology (built some in the past, but didn't know they were called "anti corruption layers"): Folge 72 - Strategisches Domain-driven Design - Grundlegende Patterns unter der Lupe