Weeknotes 2021-10-11
,Implemented a naive bayes spamfilter from scratch in one stream on monday. Learned some details about testing with PyCharm (right click on project root, set as test root for example) which made it work much better. Integrated the new spamfilter model into django-cast and added an "retrain"-button to the admin frontend. Tried to use Python 3.10 for django-cast and submitted a PR for l18n. Got a little bit frustrated about my current combination of pyenv, virtualfish and poetry making it difficult to upgrade to 3.10 (especially poetry, ugh). Then I finally cleaned up the django-cast project structure so that I don't need those ugly symlinks to make things work.
Recorded a new python podcast episode about the latest Python 3.10 release and other stuff :).
Things I Looked at Last Week
- Podcast episode: #227 – Sean Kelly: Existentialism, Nihilism, and the Search for Meaning
- Podcast episode: Rä-sülli-änz oder: Dem Grüßaugust seine Krisenbewältigung
- Podcast episode: Episode #252: Jupyter is now a desktop app!
- Webcomic: Party time
- Podcast episode: Zukunftsträchtig? - der Neoliberalismus
- Blogpost: Python C API: Add functions to access PyObject
- Podcast episode (had to increase playback speed..) #019 – Brain Computer Interface, Künstliche Gehirne, KI – mit Prof. Tanja Schultz (Uni Bremen)
- Podcast episode: #224 – Travis Oliphant: NumPy, SciPy, Anaconda, Python & Scientific Programming
- Documentation: What’s New In Python 3.10
- Blogpost: Python behind the scenes #13: the GIL and its effects on Python multithreading
- Buyed a Book: Python Distilled
- Podcast episode: Software at Scale 34 - Faster Python with Guido van Rossum
- Podcast episode: Ruby on Rails Das Full-Stack-Web-Framework
- Podcast episode: Bits und so #758 (König Midas)
- Podcast episode: Episode 78: Learning Python Through Illustrated Stories
- Podcast episode: Übungssache? - Improvisation