Weeknotes 2022-03-21
,The second thing I spent time on was mealie. It's a receipt manager implemented with fastAPI and vue which is a stack I use, too. So I played around with it a little bit and deployed it to my own infrastructure. This was easier than expected, but I found an a bug in fastdeploy (big task output breaks on `await proc.stdout.readline()`). Wonder whether people pay money for a hosted version of mealie?
Things I Learned
- Usually I prefer to run my tests directly with pytest instead of vscode because my console output is nicely colorized and it's much easier to add options like '--full-trace' etc. but I just found out it's at least possible to view the test stdout in vscode using ⌘⇧U and then selecting "Python Test Log" from the dropdown on the upper right. So I might run tests from vscode from time to time now :).
- You can install optional poetry dependencies with `poetry install -E optional_name`
- Deep Neural Nets: 33 years ago and 33 years from now
- A Gentle Introduction to Testing with PyTest
- TIL: Parametrized pytest Fixtures
- Der Optimismus verbrennt | Andreas Reckwitz about the ukrainian war
- Wake up my inner child | I'm in this picture and I don't like it
- High Noon | Dst might not shoot me, but I wish I was dead every time
- Serverless means per-request billing | on point
- password rotation policies are the eating horse paste of computer security | Hmm, besides antivirus software, personal firewalls and VPNs? This whole field is a bucket of snakeoil/horse paste
- Hitting up Ask MetaFilter for YouTube video production tips | Dunno, maybe I should collect some tips on a website? Hmm, I'm not an expert, but the usual stuff out there is even less insightful..
- Sovjet jokes on twitter..
- Mealie A self-hosted recipe manager and meal planner | really interesting, it's a very similar stack compared to fastdeploy
- PEP 594 – Removing dead batteries from the standard library article
- Armut: Eine Welt unter neuen Vorzeichen (Was denkst du denn?)
- Grenzen der Gewaltfreiheit: Das schwierige Ideal des Pazifismus (Sein und Streit) | Interesting, I would have assumend pacifist view would have been far more common
- DK032 - Willkommen bei Teil 2 der Klimazukunft (Das Klima) | New subscription I added because I need to get more confirmation for my confirmation bias :)
- Folge 112 - Wir bauen eine Software-Architektur - Struktur der Lösung (Software Architektur im Stream)
- Kirby CMS mit Bastian Allgeier (programmier.bar)
- Episode 46: Bars (Hotel Bar Sessions)
- (112) Das Virus ist noch nicht fertig mit uns (Das Coronavirus-Update)
- Episode #272: The tools episode (Python Bytes) | Lots of cool stuff in this episode..
- Soziopod #062: Immanuel Kant – Zum ewigen Frieden (Soziopod) | okish
- Lebenswert? - das Leben (Das philosophische Radio)
- Die Vermessung der Bildung (Hörsaal) | Really great talk
- Episode 503: Diarmuid McDonnell on Web Scraping (Software Engineering Radio)