Weeknotes 2022-05-09
,Attended Beyond Tellerrand 2022 which was a lot of fun. The wather was really nice this week, so I spent a fair amount of time outside. The new macro-capabilities of my phone camera are really nice (or scary, depending on the motive):
I finally started fixing the jupyterlab rename bug I stumbled upon the week before. The main problem implementing the fix is how to mock the shouldOverwrite function in the dialog.ts module. It's easy to mock functions with jest if you just want to mock the function you are calling in a test. But if you call a function that calls a function from the same module which you then want to mock, things get complicated. I commented on this issue two years ago, let's see how often I have to revisit it, until finding a fix 😌.
And then I released kptncook 0.0.7 increasing mealie login timeout.
- Johannes weeklog | Worth reading it
- How To Host Multiple Websites Securely With Nginx And Php-fpm On Ubuntu 14.04 | Maybe I can deploy different worpress / podlove instances running just one nginx but keeping the processes running as different users
- Das Comeback der Tonfrequenz mit DJ Hell, Jan Delay und Richard Dorfmeister | Opportunity to go out in Düsseldorf
- Drastically Improve Your UI Designs With This Technique | Use checklists to make sure you won't forget empty states etc..
- Designing Better Navigation With Navigation Queries | The homepage of the city of Düsseldorf is mentioned in a positive way in an article about webdesign? This branch of reality is definitely not ready for production..
- CSS Parent Selector
- The Future of CSS: CSS Toggles
- Under-Engineered Multi-Selects
- Nuclear weapons might be dangerous
- Thread about pyscript
- Great thread about grades from a philosophical perspective | Yes, they are bullshit :)
- In defence of the Single Page Application | Hrhr
- I got Datasette working in WebAssembly via @pyodide!
- Python f-string cheat sheets
- Routing: I’m not smart enough for a SPA
- 33 JavaScript Concepts Every Developer Should Know 🤓️💯️
- Navigating midlife with Kieran Setiya (Re:Considering) | New podcast I learned about via #btconf
- Philosophie der Identität - Auf der Suche nach dem Selbst (Sein und Streit)
- Bits und so #789 (Web 3.0) (Bits und so)
- Star Wars and Django (Django Chat)
- WR1359 Inflation, EZB, Energie (WRINT: Wirtschaftskunde) | Lots of valuable information
- UKW097 Ukraine: Er hat das Memo nicht gelesen (Unsere kleine Welt)