Weeknotes 2022-07-11
,Progress on having a landing page where people can create podcasts/blogs:
- Wrote some tests for cast_registry
- Fixed some deprecation warnings
- Enabled a custom admin url for production
- I wanted to add a "remove this blog"-feature to cast_registry to make it easier for me to test deployments. My time estimate for this feature would have been "just a few hours". But this story kept spawning sub-issues and getting bigger and bigger. The initial estimation would have been far off. What would be more valuable: Stick to the original estimate and promise myself to fx it later or fix it now and forget about my estimation? My lesson from situations like this is that estimates are pretty worthless. I just try to maximize the value of the thing I'm working on and don't do any estimations. Below are some of the sub-issues 😅.
- Just store the last seen deployment in the session and compare it with a newly fetched one to determine new steps to show to the client
- Move deployment metadata into its own model | I tried to be more verbose on my thought process here, let's see whether it helps
- Hyperscript and HTMX - Form Examples with Django
- Lisa Eckhart – Ist das lustig? (Sternstunde Philosophie)
- StackExchange: Seasoned Advice | There's a stackoverflow site for cooking 🍲
- Use GPT-3 to turn english description of a regex into an actual regex
- isinstance() can check for multiple types. Python 3.10 makes it more convenient with pipes for unions
- starting the day like
- Operators in #Python can be implemented with dunder methods. >> is __rshift__, << is __lshift__, etc. They can even do strange things like modify the object!
- An ancient and unspeakable horror from the dawn of OOP.
- Too many ppl seem to use Jira's breathtakingly incorrect definitions of story, epic, task—one way that using Jira distorts your process away from agility. What are they really? 1/7
- The point of agile ways of working is to deliver more value. Not more value faster. More value period.
- everything about this is so quotable
- A simple lexical analyer (tokenizer) with #Python regular expressions. Uses regex verbose mode "(?x)", and match.lastgroup to know what kind of token was found.
- When people say they can estimate accurately, here's what usually happens
- As you can guess, this #Python program prints "Hello, world!". But how!? 🤯 😎 Also: don't do this! 😡
- Tetra: A Full Stack Web Framework That Doesn't Make You Write Everything Twice - Episode 369 (Podcast.__init__) | It's very closely related to laravels livewire, but for django
- One of the master artists of our time, Richard Tuttle joins to talk about his 60+ year career that has revolutionized the landscape of temporary art (Design Matters) | Interesting definition of art: It's the thing you are able to care the most about
- Episode 60: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics (Hotel Bar Sessions) | Good episode, but the hosts demonstate by themselves how hard it is to distinguish between mistakes and damned lies, because it contained two points which could be counted as both:
- Leigh stated that we do not know about the long term effects of vaccination. This is wrong. We know that vaccinations do not have long term effects (how should this even be possible?). In past vaccination campaigns it took time to be able to see the short term effects, because the events were rare and sample size was small (only a fraction of people got vaccinated). In the covid case the sample size is huge and we should have seen the effects immediately if there were any.
- Switching from transmission to hospitalization statistics was criticized. But you have to do it at some point. Transmission does not tell you much about risk if most of the people getting infected are vaccinated or were previously infected. The case fatality ratio has dropped about an order of magnitude. Investing in warning people about transmission now only pays off in moral appearance but does not help (thoughts and prayers).
- Wie bleiben Sie integer? (Das philosophische Radio) | Good content, but poor audio quality.
- Engineering Stack Overflow with Roberta Arcoverde (The Hanselminutes Podcast) | Strong recommendation. Stack overflow is a rare example of a good system built on top of the microsoft stack. Checks many points on my list of things that are actually the right thing to do, but most people wont believe if you told them: No cloud, no microservices, just 9 webservers + good networking and a database with 1.5TB of memory on prem.