Weeknotes 2022-09-19
,Mostly work, since I was on a business trip to Munich for a few days. Got tickets for next years beyond tellerrand conference, hope to see you there 😁. Someone opened the first issue on django-fileresponse 🍾 requesting to be able to use it for uploads, too. There were also some discussions and mails around the Python Podcast.
- Johannes Weeklog
- Science and Technology links (September 12 2022)
- Why do domain names sometimes end with a dot?
- Quality Is Systemic
- Working locally with GitHub PRs
- Photography for geeks (WIP) | Great article
- WDRL 303 from 16.9.2022 Container query lab, default exports, disabled browser features and Openring
- it's a little-known fact that god actually didn't die until the widespread use of pseudorandom number generators by modern computers, each use a small act of divination, exhausted god's ability to respond to all divination. god was killed mostly by microsoft in the 90s
- Nervously calculating the Kullback–Leibler divergence between me and a bot that just tweets "it's only getting worse from here" in response to any major event.
- “this meeting could have been an email” yeah but look on the bright side, this meeting also could have been a musical
- Turn the light on
- There must have been a meeting to review proposals including the online timed ticketing system when someone said ‘No. They must be seen to queue. For miles. For days”. That person’s a political-marketing genius with 17thC style insight into the mystificatory needs of state power.
- Fork - A fast and friendly git client
- PyMC4 which is now just called PyMC - a probabilistic programming library for Python that allows users to build Bayesian models with a simple Python API and fit them using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods
- This release, 3.11.0rc2, is the last preview before the final release of Python 3.11.0 on October 24th
- uvloop 0.17 is here | This release adds Python 3.11 support, updates bundled libuv to 1.43.0 and fixes a handful of issues
- Safari 16.0 was released | Glad to see the new IE is catching up a bit
- Wagtail CMS in Action | Not much there yet. Learn from my mistake and buy it when it's finished next year or so..
- 17 Libraries You Should Be Using in Django (Talk Python To Me) | Nothing new for me here..
- Habermas‘ „Neuer Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit“ - Digitale Plattformen: Manipulation statt Diskussion? (Sein und Streit) | Ouch, really bad, especially the moderation. Why are there so few good podcasts on topics like this? Dont make me start one!
- UKW102 Ukraine: Russki Go Home (unsere kleine welt) | Meh, also not much good content on this topic available either..
- WR1398 Die Fruchtfliege der Botanik (WRINT: Wissenschaft)
- WR1403 Auf frischen fotografischen Wegen (WRINT: Fotografie)
- Muff Potter (Thorsten Nagelschmidt) (Reflektor)