Weeknotes 2022-12-05
,my work is terrible, and if *you* like it, well that says more about you than it does about me @carnapping
Worked the whole week with sick kids at home and finally got sick, too. Using the new Wagtail-based django-cast in production revealed lots of little bugs I tried to fix:
- Fixed the title tag for post detail pages - thanks to Johannes for reporting this
- Fixed gallery.html images to link to the original image source image (not relevant for this site, but sometimes relatives are trying to print out photos, etc: now they get at least a fair chance to print decent-looking images)
- Lazy loading for gallery images (the image sizes are not quite right, yet this is just a mitigation)
- Increased Gunicorn timeout to 10 minutes -> it's now possible to upload big videos
- Fixed the size of the feed logo for my homepage (the python-podcast logo is inside a javascript blob called subscribe button, I have no idea how to put a size on that)
- Upgraded from raven to
for my homepage and python-podcast (depleted my sentry transaction immediately, I have no idea why) - Fixed traefik config for mastodon: removed the separate config file for streaming
- Fixed x-forwarded-for logging for Gunicorn for django-template, homepage, and python-podcast.de
- Updated bootstrap and jquery for my homepage and python-podcast, removed popper
- Added Plausible to my homepage and python-podcast (my own analytics stuff is still broken, maybe someone fixed this in the meantime by providing a suitable SaaS?)
- Fixed a small bug in django-cast causing wagtail preview to fail
Merged a PR to my little kptncook command line scraper. More about this in Kptncook and Mealie.
- Git Notes: Git's Coolest, Most Unloved Feature | it would be great to have all the relevant information directly in the repository. what happens to the history of a project when GitHub goes away? We should plan for that.
- Thoughts on my first machine learning project | One of the creators of Django in ML land 😁- insightful
- Energieflussdiagramm für Deutschland 2020 | I’m sure there’s a lot of valuable information, but the UI makes it hard to find
- A quote from Will Larson | hint: do whatever works for you
- An Interactive Guide to Flexbox
- Prioritizing Pragmatic Performance for Dask | Most data processing is IO bound, don't loop in Python, it's not the GIL
- The Essential Django Deployment Guide | It's hard to find useful information about this topic out there. This article is long but unclear in the details (whitenoise won't serve your media files). Personally, I would go with real servers (not virtual, no docker, etc) and a bunch of ansible playbooks.
- Python Type Hints: case study on parsy | Good article. It's far from clear to me whether the trade-offs involved justify the effort. It probably depends.
Fediverse / Indieweb
Seems this should get its own category by now 😎.
- Scaling Mastodon: The Compendium | I really like the attitude here
- Scaling the Mastodon | Article by Leah, one of the admins of chaos.social
- The fediverse and the indieweb
- moving to the fediverse and indieweb
- Fediverse
- Mastodon
- The IndieWeb for Everyone
Twitter / Mastodon
- In 1951, Adelbert Ames created the mind-boggling ‘Ames Window’. It’s so effective that even when you know how it works you can’t break the illusion [video from The Curiosity Show: https://buff.ly/36DvRNs]
- I am impressed. | chat.openai.com writing a poem
- OK it's hard to over-emphasize quite how much fun this new OpenAI chat Interface is
- So, a horse walks into a bar and orders a pint. The barkeep says, "You're in here pretty often lately. Do you think you might be an alcoholic?" The horse replies, "I don't think I am," and then vanishes from existence. You see, the joke is really about Descartes' famous quote, "I think; therefore, I am." but if I had explained this before the joke, I would've been putting Descartes before the horse. ... I'll show myself out now.
- OK so @OpenAI 's new #ChatGPT can basically just generate #AIart prompts. I asked a one-line question, and typed the answers verbatim straight into MidJourney and boom. Times are getting weird...🤯
- You can add a “Mastodon” link in your project_urls now and it will get the Mastodon icon on PyPI 😇
- Movetodon: Find your Twitter Followers on Mastodon
- django-syzygy - Django application providing database migration tooling to automate their deployment
- SeaweedFS | like min.io but easier to extend, but maybe not as compatible to s3
- Butter CMS - Jake Lumetta (Django Chat) | Ranting about WordPress is always appreciated 😆
- Kunstgeschichte - Von Kunst, guter Form und schlechtem Geschmack (Hörsaal)
- Folge 2: Über die spätmoderne Gesellschaft sprechen (Andreas Reckwitz im Gespräch: Die Gesellschaft der Singularitäten)
- #341 – Guido van Rossum: Python and the Future of Programming (Lex Fridman Podcast)
- WR1431 Zeitenwende bei den Wirtschaftsweisen (Wirtschaftskunde)
- Folge 3: Die Ökonomie der Singularitäten (Andreas Reckwitz im Gespräch: Die Gesellschaft der Singularitäten)
- Folge 4: Der Wandel der Arbeitswelt (Andreas Reckwitz im Gespräch: Die Gesellschaft der Singularitäten)
- Folge 5: Digitalisierung als Singularisierung (Andreas Reckwitz im Gespräch: Die Gesellschaft der Singularitäten)
- Folge 6: Der Wandel der Sozialstruktur (Andreas Reckwitz im Gespräch: Die Gesellschaft der Singularitäten)