Weeknotes 2025-03-17
,This Is Just To Say
I have shaved
the yak
that was in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
to shave yourself
Forgive me
it was so tempting
so rough
and so hairy
--Rob Ricci
I didn't get much done on my open source projects last week. I'm considering reusing the Auphonic transcript editor for the transcript detail page. I've been thinking about how to handle transcripts with speaker annotations, but that's going to take at least another week of work. I spent a lot of time outdoors though, so I don't regret it.
- Here’s how I use LLMs to help me write code
- Building effective agents | Article from anthropic containing kind of a definition for "agents" vs "agentic workflows". I like the "LLM in a loop" definition 😁.
- A litmus test for AI agents | Also interesting definition: "Does the AI system perform actions under its own identity?"
- Creating Open Graph Images in Django for Improved Social Media Sharing
- Book Recommendations | Those books are good, yep
- Provides two healthcheck endpoints for your Django application
- Better Project And App Structure for Django | There's a new version with uv support 🥳