Weeknotes 2022-10-24
,Managed to attend the Python Herbst Sprint & Hackathon in Düsseldorf and work on a Django template with an integrated minimal deployment included. Shared some ideas with Jens about how to keep projects that were generated from a template up to date when the template changes - Jens started manageprojects to experiment with solutions for this problem.
- Rant in german about the casual incompetence of authorities dealing with computer security stuff | Just the appropriate amount of rage
- I'm having difficulty making new connections | webcomic
- My talk "What's new in Python 3.11" from PyCon Japan is already up on YouTube. #pyconjp https://youtu.be/nZr1Wks07vc?t=11268… The slides are here: http://aka.ms/pyconjp-slides (captions are currently auto-generated, so I don't know how accurate they will be. )
- Put together a video on Python type variables, generics and variadic generics (a 3.11 thing). If you're type annotating your code, I'm sure you'll find any of these examples useful. https://youtube.com/watch?v=7Chd5gPHlDg… p.s. sorry it's a bit chaotic I just got off a flight.
- i'm sick from exposing myself to blue light information overload all day but i need to scroll the infinite collective consciousness for five more minutes to find the divine light of truth before i go to bed. and if i don't find it in five minutes i'll need five more
- Me, at the beginning of a PhD: sure art may be embattled by capital's neverending drive to commoditize everything, but it still contains a radical kernel of possibility! Me, at the end: no it doesn't
- This is really useful. I wish there weren't so many necessary steps to get a robust, isolated Python setup working on macOS but the path Chris described here looks very good to me
- To complement @LionHirth 's excellent explainer on the proposal of Germany's gas commission, here is a graphical illustration. Below is the graph I want to get to in the end to make a few points. The thread below builds up to it slowly
- "the subway wizard" david mattingly 1990
- Weeknotes: DjangoCon, SQLite in Django, datasette-gunicorn | Simon Willison
- Week in Review 2022-10-17 | Luis
- Weeklog for Week 41: October 10 to October 16 | Johannes
- PostgreSQL 15 Released! | Yay 🎊
- devmarks.io: Bookmarking for developers | written in Django
- BundleWrap: Config management with Python
- YunoHost | self hosting stuff
- PePy: Find out how many downloads from PyPI a package gets
- Scaling Postgres Episode 237 Postgres 15 Released, File Systems, Connection Pooling, Secure Connections (Scaling PostgreSQL)
- Wie gehen Sie mit alternativen Fakten um? (Das philosophische Radio) | Really good episode. Really nuanced view on a topic mostly discussed in a oversimplified emotional context.
- Episode #61 Title Bjarne Stroustrup // Creator of C++ (Alphalist Cto Podcast) | Hmm, I would agree about C++ being one of very few languages supporting both low level and high level programming. But why is having seperated languages for different use cases a bad thing? Personally I think paying the price in extra complexity for having one language fit both is just not worth it.
- Episode 70: Democracy in Peril (with Linda Alcoff) (Hotel Bar Sessions) | Good episode