Ephes Blog

Miscellaneous things. Mostly Weeknotes and links I stumbled upon.

Weeknotes 2023-09-04

, Jochen
UIs are big, messy, mutable, stateful bags of sadness. --Josh Abernathy

Usual work week. Finally upgraded my Debian boxes from bullseye to bookworm and had no problems. Wow 🤯. Found a workaround for a long-standing PyCharm limitation: If you use a German keyboard layout, it's not possible to switch windows or comment out lines of code using keyboard shortcuts. Just install the Keymap Nationalizer Plugin and select your actual keyboard layout.

Didn't have much time for open source last week, but nonetheless managed to add a theme chooser for django-cast. You can now choose your theme and save the result in the session. So now it's possible for all users to try out new themes. Now I have a reason to polish the other themes a bit 😅. If you want to try it, just click on the B in the menu bar.




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Weeknotes 2023-08-28

, Jochen

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool." (Feynman)

Started working on a new project, which is always exciting. Refactored django-cast filters.py -> it's almost readable now 😆. Facet counts are now available via the API, so cast-vue got an update showing filters for categories and tags.


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Weeknotes 2023-08-14

, Jochen
Just as most people are not going to stop eating fast food because home cooking is better, they’re not going to abandon social media because blogging is awesome. But that doesn’t mean you have to line up for a Big Mac. And it doesn’t mean your internet experience has to suck --Mike Grindle

Normal working week. Improved media file backup for django-cast (#99) and wrote a TIL blog post about how to test Django management commands with pytest. Attended a rust meetup for the first time and am now looking for a use case for rust as it seems to be really cool (I learned static typing via Java and got burned, but static typing in rust is much better - might be time to revisit that).



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Weeknotes 2023-08-07

, Jochen
Mit so radikalen Aktionen wird das Klima absolut nichts erreichen. --Christoph Dolna-Gruber

The new Wagtail 5.1 release broke the video and audio choosers in django-cast so there's a new release 0.2.17 that fixes that. While I was at it, I also added some more documentation for the video and audio features. Lots of distractions this week with school and kindergarten stuff, but hopefully things will pick up soon 😅.

Last week I picked up a musical instrument for the first time in over two years. I hadn't been able to play before because I just didn't have the time. Now I'm thinking about getting back into the habit.






Weeknotes 2023-07-24

, Jochen
People who prefer ketchup over mustard are annoying because as soon as you say you like mustard, they go on and on about how much they hate it. Like, okay. You have the same flavor palette you had when you were 5 but that doesn’t mean you should insult what I put in my coffee. --Roxi Horror

Even more vacation.





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