Ephes Blog

Miscellaneous things. Mostly Weeknotes and links I stumbled upon.

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Weeknotes 2023-09-25

, Jochen
Anything worth doing is worth doing badly. — G. K. Chesterton

Worked on frontend stuff again last week. I think my favorite way to combine htmx with Alpine.js when you have to pass some parameters is to just use the htmx API like this:

      {# fmt:off #}
        value: false,
        toggle() {
          this.value = ! this.value;
            '{% url 'some-detail-url' pk=model.pk %}', {
              target: '#some_target_id',
              values: { toggle_state: this.value }
      {# fmt:on #}
    <!-- ... later on, you'll just have -->
    <button x-ref="toggle" @click="toggle()" type="button" role="switch" :aria-checked="value" :aria-labelledby="$id('toggle-label')">Toggle</button>

Didn't have much time for my own projects, but released django-cast 0.2.22 because I forgot to do this last week 😑. Then I noticed that I forgot to publish a TIL post about the new STORAGES setting in Django 4.2. Middle of the week I went to the Django Cologne meetup and had many interesting discussions with different people. Sarah talked a bit about the djangonaut.space project, which I'm also interested in, so it was a really nice evening.

Talking about doing things badly. I tried to upgrade an old project to pydantic > 2 and failed spectacularly. After upgrading I got this error message:

File "../pydantic/main.py", line 165, in __init__
__pydantic_self__.__pydantic_validator__.validate_python(data, self_instance=__pydantic_self__)
pydantic_core._pydantic_core.ValidationError: 1 validation error for Settings
Field required [type=missing, input_value={'database_url': 'postgre... 'services_development'}, input_type=dict]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.3/v/missing

And somehow I misread this error message as being about the database_url field. But it was actually complaining that the db_engine field was missing. The problem was caused by a db_engine: typing.Any field that was None by default in pydantic < 2 and does not get a default value in pydantic > 2 as documented in the migration guide.

This took me far too long to fix, and it felt far too similar to the dread caused by updating old Javascript projects.






Weeknotes 2023-09-18

, Jochen

At work I used htmx and Alpine.js again and I think this is a really powerful combination. I hope the view transition api, which is currently only implemented in Chrome, will be available in other browsers soon. I also did some thinking about how to display PDFs on web pages using PDF.js.

For my personal site, I had to fix the image rendition deletion incident from last week, and I thought a bit about wagtail_srcset and new image formats like AVIF. Maybe I should keep it simple and assume that all devices are now high pixel density devices and always use images that are three times the logical pixel size, and then use AVIF as the file format? I don't know yet.

And since Postgres 16 was released, I upgraded all my stuff to the new version and wrote a TIL post about it. And I also did some non-computer related activities this week: I participated in the local #klimastreik and moved a lot of furniture (whatever it takes to do that all day - I don't have it and like to take a bath in Voltaren now).



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Weeknotes 2023-09-11

, Jochen
It was the best of times. It was the worst of terms and conditions. --Nein

At work, setting up Single Sign-On (SSO) via Azure AD for a Django project was easier than expected, thanks to django-saml2-auth. I also found that ChatGPT was surprisingly effective at generating code to create a simplified Excel file, which I then could use to test the effectiveness of the existing pandas code for Excel parsing.

Doing open source, I fixed a bug in the theme-selector feature of django-cast. The bug occurred because Django handles the HTML rendering for SPA-themes and exposes it via a JSON API. I chose this method to avoid rendering a Wagtail streamfield in JavaScript. However, it used the theme from the database instead of the session template, which broke the Vue.js theme. After addressing this, I updated django-stubs and fixed a minor issue that made mypy pass again. I also improved the documentation for the themes feature. While reviewing the request-handling code, I found a simpler method using APIField and wrote a 'Today I Learned' (TIL) post about it. And finally, I broke most of the images on my site by accidentally deleting all the Wagtail renditions. Well, something to do for next week.




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Weeknotes 2023-09-04

, Jochen
UIs are big, messy, mutable, stateful bags of sadness. --Josh Abernathy

Usual work week. Finally upgraded my Debian boxes from bullseye to bookworm and had no problems. Wow 🤯. Found a workaround for a long-standing PyCharm limitation: If you use a German keyboard layout, it's not possible to switch windows or comment out lines of code using keyboard shortcuts. Just install the Keymap Nationalizer Plugin and select your actual keyboard layout.

Didn't have much time for open source last week, but nonetheless managed to add a theme chooser for django-cast. You can now choose your theme and save the result in the session. So now it's possible for all users to try out new themes. Now I have a reason to polish the other themes a bit 😅. If you want to try it, just click on the B in the menu bar.




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