Weeknotes 2022-09-26
,Mainly work, didn't had time to listen to a lot of podcasts this week. Went to a school reunion on the weekend. Slow week.
- How I’m a Productive Programmer With a Memory of a Fruit Fly
- Johannes Weeklog
- Stable Diffusion based Image Compression
- Article Spotlight: “The End of History” by Hanno Sauer | Should read more philosophy articles, even the comments were entertaining 😊
- "a generous welfare state makes people not want to work" (united states is the line on the bottom)
- Get in the car, we're exploring databases and finding friends
- You have the flew
- Ludwig Boltzmann, who spent much of his life studying statistical mechanics, died in 1906, by his own hand. Paul Ehrenfest, carrying on the work, died similarly in 1933. Now it is our turn to study statistical mechanics.
- Squoosh | Compress images via webapp
- Whisper | ASR model demo from openAI
- yFiles | Just wanted to display a little graph on a website *sigh*
- Exception Groups and except: Irit Katriel | Python 3.11 preview
- Bits und so #809 (The Secret of Dynamic Island) (Bits und so)
- Sonderfolge: Hybridimmunität (Das Coronavirus-Update)