Ephes Blog

Miscellaneous things. Mostly Weeknotes and links I stumbled upon.

Date -

Weeknotes 2023-07-24

, Jochen
People who prefer ketchup over mustard are annoying because as soon as you say you like mustard, they go on and on about how much they hate it. Like, okay. You have the same flavor palette you had when you were 5 but that doesn’t mean you should insult what I put in my coffee. --Roxi Horror

Even more vacation.





Out of Context Images

Weeknotes 2023-07-17

, Jochen

There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. --Frank Wilhoit - the composer, not the political scientist..

On vacation. Didn't do anything computer related.




Out of Context Images

Weeknotes 2023-07-10

, Jochen
I run my own Mastodon instance because I don't trust random admins to fuck up what I am perfectly capable of fucking up on my own. --moliver

Another busy week at work. Learned that creating PDFs from web pages is a little less difficult than expected. Using a headless Chromium actually works quite well, and it's not that difficult to deploy either.

Looking forward to having some time off. Maybe look a bit more into the LLM / machine learning direction, which suffered a bit from my recent deep dive into frontend stuff (htmx, alpine.js).

Updating mastodon and takahē were the only non work related computer activities I managed to do this week, hope this will get better soon.


Mastodon / Twitter





Weeknotes 2023-07-03

, Jochen
I find OOP philosophically unsound. It claims that everything is an object. Even if it is true it is not very interesting — saying that everything is an object is saying nothing at all. --Alexander Stepanov

Using Django, htmx, alpine.js and tailwind for work, which is a very powerful combination. Did some vacation planning and misplaced my keys. Discovered that it's super easy to replace an AirTag battery.




Mastodon / Twitter


  • Demo of morph swap for HTMX 2.0 | Oh this is so cool! Maybe it will be possible to have an audio player keep running while navigating the podcast page without having to use an SPA!
