Weeknotes 2023-11-27
,When you lock the laboratory door, you always lock out more than you lock in. --John Wheeler
I had an interesting work week as I spent two days in Amsterdam - fancy. And I made significant progress on implementing responsive images in django-cast. Maybe I should use a web component for this image gallery stuff? Or just plain htmx? Maybe both to figure out which is easier to use? We'll see 🙃.
- Hobbitos™ | Webcomic
- The Dunning-Kruger Effect is Autocorrelation | It always seemed a little bit too good to be true
- Learn CSS | Do it! (just a reminder for myself..) and in related news: Learn to write better, resilient CSS
- Getting started with CSS container queries
- Web Components
- The elevator pitch for Web Components | Ok, fine
- HTML Web Components: An Example | Web components can render stuff before any javascript is executed
- This is a phenomenal web demo. Enabled by window.getScreenDetails() which provides basic live info (size, position etc) from all screens on the device. Ok, so a lot of people have been asking me for code/writeup of this so I made a stripped down example (works with an infinite amount of windows) so that you can look at to get the basic gist of it (that's all I have time for now, sorry!). | Whoa
- 🦝Tanuki - The easiest way to build scalable, LLM-powered functions and applications that get cheaper and faster the more you use them
- Draw Things | Really cool, let's you use a zoo of fine tuned models for different purposes
- Weeknotes: DevDay, GitHub Universe, OpenAI chaos | Simon Willison
- Week in Review 2023-11-20 | Luis
- Weeklog for Week 46: November 13 to November 19 | Johanns
- Afrika - "Der Westen redet, China investiert" (Hörsaal) | Interesting..
- FS271 Ich glaube das wird ein bisschen mehr Aufwand im Schnitt | Good, how did I not know about Draw Things?