Weeknotes 2021-10-18
,Started a small new project to be able to automatically deploy my podcast hosting infrastructure called fastdeploy. It's a little bit different because I want to be able to try hot and experimental stuff in this project. Therefore I didn't use good old boring django but fastAPI as the backend web framework and Vue.js / Vite for the frontend. I also switched my IDE for this from PyCharm to Visual Studio Code to be able to use it for both python and typescript. For backend dependency management I switched from poetry to pip-tools. So lots of new stuff :).
One of the reasons I chose fastAPI for this project was that it has builtin support for async and websockets. And getting Vue.js and fastAPI to communicate over websockets was easier then expected. Getting vue components to communicate via props and events was a little bit more difficult especially when using <script setup> and typescript, but now it works quite nice.
Adding authentication capabilities to fastAPI was more difficult then expected. Had to refactor the fastdeploy project structure a bit (settings, router) and I feel more comfortable with it.
Things I Looked at Last Week
- Podcast episode: Sprache Macht Kontext
- Podcast episode: Episode 29: Defending the Humanities
- Podcast episode: AI Today Podcast, Creating AI Content: Kathleen Walch, Ronald Schmelzer #137
- Podcast episode: (100) Die Welle der Ungeimpften
- Podcast episode: WR1278 Extraterrestrische Erbsengehirne
- Podcast episode: Revision 498: CSS 2, Web 3.0 und Podcastempfehlungen
- Podcast episode: Coverage.py - Ned Batchelder
- Blogpost: What is your labor worth? Tech compensation in 2021
- Podcast episode: Episode #34 Mark Porter // CTO MongoDB
- Podcast episdoe: WR1287 Östronaut Sparwasser im All
- Podcast episode: Episode #254: Do Excel things, get notebook Python code with Mito
- Podcast episode: API-Stile Wie und womit baut man ein gutes API?
- Blogpost: Python Multithreading without GIL
- Podcast episode: Kollision von Meinungen ist keine Kritik
- Podcast episode: Bits und so #760 (Der Fuß der Wahrheit)
- Blogpost: How to win at CORS