Weeknotes 2024-10-07
,hey sorry I missed your text, I am processing a non-stop 24/7 onslaught of information with a brain designed to eat berries in a cave --Janel Comeau
I spent some time outdoors and noticed mushrooms growing everywhere—so cool! I have also been working on an upcoming project that should be easily extensible with plugins. Lets see how that works out.
- DJP: A plugin system for Django | Cool! I'm thinking about plugins a lot too, atm
- OpenAI DevDay: Let’s build developer tools, not digital God | Yep
- Weeknotes: Three podcasts, two trips and a new plugin system | Simon Willison
- uv IS the Future of Python Packaging 🐍📦 | New video from Hynek! Ok, if he approves uv, I have to use it, too 🤷.
- datasette-extract | Create tables from unstructured data in PDFs
- django-ledger - An Accounting, Bookkeeping & Financial Analysis Engine for the Django Framework | Interesting. Worked on something similar in the past.