Ephes Blog

Miscellaneous things. Mostly Weeknotes and links I stumbled upon.

Weeknotes 2023-12-11

, Jochen
god: i have made a Single page webapp
angels: you fucked up a perfectly good website is what you did. look at it. it’s got dependency injections.
--Eric Meyer

Normal "omg there's only so much time left in the year and we're all sick" work week. Speaking of sick: Last week I caught the latest COVID variant, but what a letdown! It seems like COVID's lost its edge, turning into a mundane, almost commercialized version of its former fearsome self. It's like everyone's getting it these days – hardly the exclusive experience it used to be!

The sync renditions command for django-cast is done -> new release. Upgrading my projects to Django 5.0 and Wagtail 5.2.2 went smoothly. And there's a new version of ktpncook that fixes some minor issues. Nice progress, but my current mood is more like:

pick your battles






Weeknotes 2023-12-04

, Jochen
It’s really a shame how Cyber Monday has become so commercialized. --Max Leibman

Christmas season is heating up. Work went well, no issues there. For open source, I assumed I'd just add a little management command to django-cast to help me regenerate renditions when I change something about image sizes or formats. But this turned out to be much harder than I expected. I wasn't able to test my management command, because I kept running into strange race conditions / data persistence issues with image.get_renditions. Maybe it's because of the multi-threaded implementation in Wagtail, or a combination of multi-threading and the non-threadsafe nature of sqlite that I use for testing, but it didn't work and I couldn't figure out why. So I put all the rendition logic in another module to be able to test it without using the database. But it's still not in a releasable state - maybe next week 😅.

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Out of Context Images

Weeknotes 2023-11-27

, Jochen
When you lock the laboratory door, you always lock out more than you lock in. --John Wheeler

I had an interesting work week as I spent two days in Amsterdam - fancy. And I made significant progress on implementing responsive images in django-cast. Maybe I should use a web component for this image gallery stuff? Or just plain htmx? Maybe both to figure out which is easier to use? We'll see 🙃.





Weeknotes 2023-11-20

, Jochen
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. --Carl Jung

Normal work week. Didn't have much time for open source, but had a closer look into this whole responsive image topic / issues. And I have some ideas on how to handle them, but nothing is done, yet. All my Read the Docs integrations now use a secret for their webhook calls, which is probably good. And I've had some trouble with flit when it's installed via pipx, because it now installs local packages in the flit-pipx virtualenv when I run flit install -s whereas before it installed them into the projects virtualenv. Or maybe something in my fish shell broke? Dunno.


Mastodon / Twitter





Weeknotes 2023-11-13

, Jochen
I’m really into writing short fiction, mainly to-do lists. --Emma Willmann

Normal work week. Started looking into this whole responsive images topic again. I'm still surprised at how complicated it is. After thinking about it for a while, I'm still not sure if the new responsive image features in Wagtail 5.2 are enough for my use case. Maybe next week 🤷.




