Ephes Blog

Miscellaneous things. Mostly Weeknotes and links I stumbled upon.

Weeknotes 2023-07-10

, Jochen
I run my own Mastodon instance because I don't trust random admins to fuck up what I am perfectly capable of fucking up on my own. --moliver

Another busy week at work. Learned that creating PDFs from web pages is a little less difficult than expected. Using a headless Chromium actually works quite well, and it's not that difficult to deploy either.

Looking forward to having some time off. Maybe look a bit more into the LLM / machine learning direction, which suffered a bit from my recent deep dive into frontend stuff (htmx, alpine.js).

Updating mastodon and takahē were the only non work related computer activities I managed to do this week, hope this will get better soon.


Mastodon / Twitter





Weeknotes 2023-07-03

, Jochen
I find OOP philosophically unsound. It claims that everything is an object. Even if it is true it is not very interesting — saying that everything is an object is saying nothing at all. --Alexander Stepanov

Using Django, htmx, alpine.js and tailwind for work, which is a very powerful combination. Did some vacation planning and misplaced my keys. Discovered that it's super easy to replace an AirTag battery.




Mastodon / Twitter


  • Demo of morph swap for HTMX 2.0 | Oh this is so cool! Maybe it will be possible to have an audio player keep running while navigating the podcast page without having to use an SPA!


Weeknotes 2023-06-26

, Jochen
Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason. — John Harrington (1561-1612).

Took a closer look at neapolitan and liked it. But imho it's not so much about reusing code from CRUDView as a template for how to structure a couple of views that all share some common logic. Found out the hard way that it's surprisingly difficult to convert html to pdf.

Then the preschoolers said goodbye, but not much else happened besides work.




Mastodon / Twitter


Weeknotes 2023-06-19

, Jochen
Interviewer: do you have an example of projects you spent too much effort on?
Me: I suppose the work on Mambo 1 to 4 was a bit of a waste... --Chris Heilmann

Wrote my first UI Tests using Playwright as a pytest plugin, because the UI I'm currently working on is quite javascript heavy. Overall it was a good experience. But it's hard to get the test browser to behave like the real one:

  • Drag and drop just looks different (I have no idea why).
  • Clicking on a link in the test browser results in href navigation, while clicking on the link in the real browser triggers hx-get

One of the projects I worked on last year went live: Plastic IQ tool launched in Brazil and Indonesia (link goes to Linkedin).





Weeknotes 2023-06-12

, Jochen
"I was born in 1994"
- boring
- heard it before
- tells you nothing
"I was born in the year of Cotton Eye Joe"
- arouses curiosity
- who was Cotton Eye Joe
- where did he come from?
- where did he go?
- Cotton Eye Joe

-- snart

A deep dive into htmx and Alpine.js. Mixing hyperscript in weird htmx attributes with javascript in even weirder alpine attributes embedded in already weird Django template syntax is often too much for PyCharm and djhtml. But it still works - so far I can't complain. A while ago, my printer broke down. I got a new one this week. I had to deal with some bureaucracy because the refund went to a bank account that no longer exists.

Another WWDC was held and some weird hardware got announced. But on the plus side, PWAs on Apple platforms finally seem to be getting interesting. So, yay for that. I went to a meeting of the local Python user group, which was a lot of fun. And finally, summer is here, so I spent a lot of time out in the sun, barbecuing, etc.



