Ephes Blog

Miscellaneous things. Mostly Weeknotes and links I stumbled upon.

Weeknotes 2023-01-16

, Jochen
"Stealing “quietly a bit crap” for my bio." --@GunnarBj

First work week of the year. Had less time for my projects but got some stuff done nonetheless:

A business idea I thought about for some time seems to be implemented by Adobe: Enhance voice recordings for free (via Adobe Podcast Enhance: KI macht vollautomatischen Audio-Cleanup). It's about taking crappy audio and improving it by passing it through some ML-model. What makes this idea more interesting than other applications is that training data comes for free in this case. Just take good-quality audio and re-record it using a phone or a bad room. Now you have a pair of bad audio input with a good audio target. It's even possible to parallelize this training data generation.






Weeknotes 2023-01-09

, Jochen
in 2023 i have decided to become worse and more unhinged and more of a hater. maybe i will start yelling and biting. i am going chihuahua mode --@punished_cait

Still on vacation. Fixed some bugs in django-cast:

  • The slim version of jQuery broke the comments feature
  • API overview was broken due to a broken reverse lookup for 'image_list'
  • Fixed a bad spam filter bug and recorded a stream fixing it. This was the first programming stream I recorded after about a year and it was surprisingly difficult to get the whole setup up and running again 😆. And it worked: No false positive "ham" comments since 2023-01-04 (should make a badge out of this..)
  • New django-cast release 0.2.1

Other packages:


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Weeknotes 2023-01-02

, Jochen
Kelber‘s Law: Wann immer es heisst „irgendwas Sinnvolles geht nicht, wegen Datenschutz“ liegt es NICHT am Datenschutz. --@padeluun@digitalcourage.social

Been on vacation, so no work. Produced and published an end-of-year podcast episode. This was the first episode published by the new wagtail-powered version of django-cast and I had to kick it a little bit to make it work. Generated five new bug reports 😬.


Mastodon / Twitter






Weeknotes 2022-12-26

, Jochen
'Man goes to doctor. Says he is CEO of AI startup but has no idea how to become profitable. Doctor says solution is simple. Advanced model GPT-4 is in town. Ask it how to profit, and it will surely know the answer. Man bursts into tears. “But doctor” he says “you are GPT-4”' --@utsu__kun

Lots of Christmas preparations and the usual work stuff. Attended the Django Meetup Cologne in person for the first time in a while and it was great. Reported a bug on takahē discord and saw this PR 9 minutes later 😮. This PR for Django 4.2 looks great! Maybe I can get rid of the monkey-patching stuff I do in django_fileresponse 🥳. Wrote a TIL about how to deploy takahē without docker.

Someone implemented a business model very similar to one I also think about implementing for a while: Just let people rent software deployed somewhere for an hourly/daily/monthly fee (mastodon, jupyterhub server, ...): Replace expensive per-seat SaaS with tap-to-install open-source apps - I just have to set up a landing page and collect some email addresses, no?

Using a time machine backup from an intel-based MacBook to restore it on a new M2-based MacBook led to some unexpected consequences:

  • Printing didn't work anymore (printing is always the first thing to stop working btw). The printer queue complained about a paper jam, but this was just a mismatched error code, I guess. The real problem was the intel-based printer driver didn't work on ARM. Installing the old intel-based printer driver from the manufacturer's website (the latest was for a macOS version a few years ago) triggered the rosetta installation and then it worked.
  • GnuPG stopped working because of the same problem and then installing a native version via homebrew didn't work because now the new version couldn't read the old version's keys. Solved by creating a new key and copying the sensible data in plain text, meh.


Twitter / Mastodon





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Weeknotes 2022-12-19

, Jochen
modern js frameworks are only possible in a negative real interest rate environment --htmx.org

Got more stuff done last week - getting better I guess 😀:




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