Ephes Blog

Miscellaneous things. Mostly Weeknotes and links I stumbled upon.

Weeknotes 2022-04-11

, Jochen

Recorded and produced a new podcast episode about microservices. For my podcast hosting project I need some place to store podcast episodes and therefore I finally automated the setup of minio. Let see if it will be fast enough :). Did a bugfix release of kptncook. And started to collect information about deployed services which then could be used by other services doing logging, monitoring or backup.

Things I Learned

  • If you don't want to run your minio installation publicly this ssh-portforwarding command works (you have to change username and ports): ssh -v -L  10000: -L 10001: minio@staging.wersdoerfer.de






Weeknotes 2022-04-04

, Jochen

Applied for Prototype Fund with django-cast, I would love to be able to improve documentation and usabiltiy.  Finished a command line client for syncing kptncook recipes with my self-hosted mealie instance. Revisited my old "will_it_saturate" project to compare caddy vs uvicorn speed. Good fun.

Things I Learned

  • You can have validators run befor assigning values in pydantic models, creating a previously non-existing directory, for example.






Weeknotes 2022-03-28

, Jochen

Got my kptncook to mealie integration to work. My mealie instance is now running at mealie staging. If you'd like to have an account, drop my a line. Not much progress on other projects.

Things I Learned

  • You can record traffic with your fritzbox using this link - very nice for debugging






Weeknotes 2022-03-21

, Jochen
Catched a cold, not corona, but still bad. Spent most of last week refactoring fastdeploy. There are still two difficult to fix issues left but it's usable anyway. Wrote some release notes this time :).

The second thing I spent time on was mealie. It's a receipt manager implemented with fastAPI and vue which is a stack I use, too. So I played around with it a little bit and deployed it to my own infrastructure. This was easier than expected, but I found an a bug in fastdeploy (big task output breaks on `await proc.stdout.readline()`). Wonder whether people pay money for a hosted version of mealie?

Things I Learned

  • Usually I prefer to run my tests directly with pytest instead of vscode because my console output is nicely colorized and it's much easier to add options like '--full-trace' etc. but I just found out it's at least possible to view the test stdout in vscode using ⌘⇧U and then selecting "Python Test Log" from the dropdown on the upper right. So I might run tests from vscode from time to time now :).
  • You can install optional poetry dependencies with `poetry install -E optional_name`






Weeknotes 2022-03-14

, Jochen
Still working on the sqlmodel removal from fastdeploy and adding some kind of software architecture:
  • Fetching the deploy steps for a service now works again
  • The cli commands work again with the new application architecture
  • All api endpoints work again
  • All the e2e frontend tests work again
So, it's nearly done. There's probably a new release next week. This whole thing took about 3 weeks (working only in my spare time). That's a bit more than I would have expected, but new things which were not planned got added too (async db support for example). Well, it's probably a good idea to have smaller chunks of work, but that is difficult to do if you rewrite lots of infrastructure stuff. My current rationalization for my time being well spent goes like this: As long as it is helping me shifting costs from marginal to fixed, additional effort is fine.

Maybe this bot can help me preventing further doomscrolling.

Things I Learned






