Weeknotes 2024-06-10
,If you want to do good, make sure the people who tell you you're doing good are actually good. --Chris McDonough
It was a busy work week, leaving little time for anything else. I did manage to procrastinate a bit by diving deeper into the Rust programming language. I might even write a small game - let's see how it goes. Voting this time didn't feel great at all. This is not going to end well.
- PyCon US 2024 Recap
- Level up your Tailwind game
- A Link Blog in the Year 2024 | Yep, link blogs are doing great 😅
- Your Node is Leaking Memory? setTimeout Could be the Reason | Uh oh
- webcomics
- The good knight | See above for matching quote
- Brushed
- VideoPad Video Editor | Create post / shorts etc from video automagically
- ScreenFlow | Create demo screen recordings
- Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface
- A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust | Hmm, seems to best rust gaming engine atm...